Happy 2022 everyone!

We hope you got to enjoy the holiday season (and if not, we hope you were able to stay somewhat sane **big hug**).
The new year has started and with it the second season of our podcast.
We thought this might prove to be the most practical way to divide our episodes, a season per year.

But to start the new year, we first have to wrap-up the last one, so here are the books we finished in December.

We have so many things we’re looking forward to and we can’t wait to tell you all about them!

As always, we hope you enjoy our cozy conversations. We were feeling very rambly as you’ll surely notice 😀
Grab yourself a cup of coffee (or tea or whatever you feel like drinking) and join us!

You can subscribe to our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Books mentioned in this episode: