Ep. 13: Pile of Shame – Mini TBR

Ep. 13: Pile of Shame – Mini TBR

Woops! Long time no hear. It’s been a bit intense these past couple of weeks. Sarah came to Belgium as you may have seen on our Insta.Then work got crazy and life just got away from us for a little bit.But we’re back now with a sweet and short episode...
Ep. 12: March Reading Wrap-Up

Ep. 12: March Reading Wrap-Up

Hi! Another month has gone by. It both felt like an eternity and no time at all. Ellen got 6 books read, probably the only time ever she’ll have more books to talk about than Sarah who read 2 books in March.In other words, she’ll need to enjoy it while she...
Ep. 11: Tarot Book Recs: Anxious 9 of Swords

Ep. 11: Tarot Book Recs: Anxious 9 of Swords

Hi! Welcome to another bookish episode. You may have noticed that we took a little bit of a break. Both of us were pushed out of our normal structure by a covid positive husband and roommate. We wouldn’t have been able to record properly so we decided to push...
Ep. 10: February Reading Wrap-Up

Ep. 10: February Reading Wrap-Up

Hello! And welcome to our february reading wrap-up. We were both feeling a bit under the weather but still managed to get excited about the books we’ve read.So get cozy, we’ve got quite a few things to talk about! You can subscribe to our podcast on...
Ep. 8: Book to movie adaptations part 2

Ep. 8: Book to movie adaptations part 2

Aaaaaand we’re back with part 2 of our book to movie adaptations list!We have so many more titles to talk to you about.We do know that our list is nowhere near complete, I just found out that The Flatshare is getting adapted too.So there was no way we were ever...