Sarah and Ellen met online and quickly realised they had a lot in common. After talking at lenght about the books they loved to read, the conversation quickly moved to the books they were writing and how their goal was to get them published.

Needless to say, it was a match made in… wherever matches are made. Maybe one of our ancesters made a deal with a crossroad demon? Maybe the witches that came before us made a pact? No matter how you look at it, we were always meant to meet.

And now we’re here.
Writing a book that will break your heart.


My name is Ellen and I’m half of this writing duo. Almost a year ago, I sent Sarah  a writing prompt and I simply asked her: “do you want to write this book with me?”


She said yes and the rest is history. We’ve been researching for six months and now we’re writing our way to midpoint (we’re almost there). No idea when our first draft will be finished but we’re not in a real hurry. We each have our own projects too.


I’m currently also ghostwriting a memoir, editing past nanowrimo projects and playing with the idea of writing a script for a tv show.
You know… we like to learn new skills around here.


I’m Sarah, I am the second half of our duo.

I have long been fascinated by all the creatures that live in the shadows, so when Ellen approached me about a Vampire story there was never really any other choice than for me to say yes. Does it matter that we don’t live in the same country? No. Does it matter that up to that point we’d never met in person? No. I just knew we would click in our work as much as we click outside of it.

So far, my prediction has proven itself right. It is so incredibly fun to work together and, since we are still at the beginning of our journey, I am excited for all the things to come!

While things don’t always progress as fast as we’d like, because life gets in the way, we have come to the understanding that time is not our priority, quality is. All we really want is to write a story that we would love to read. And to keep our fingers crossed that if one day it gets published, some of you will love it too.

So follow along, and see where this road leads us.